
5 月 16 日,全球影响广泛的蓝牙耳机、音频技术展会2024亚洲音频展(Asia Audio Expo) 正式举办。作为感知体验领域的领导者,瑞声科技(AAC)携传感器及半导体、声学、光学、XR四大领域的综合成果惊艳亮相,现场与行业伙伴展开深入交流。

瑞声科技亮相2024亚洲音频展,传感器及半导体、声学、光学、XR众多创新产品参展 Read More »

AAC Technologies Showcases Innovative Sensors and Semiconductors, Acoustics, Optics, and XR Products at the 2024 Asia Audio Expo

On May 16, the widely influential 2024 Asia Audio Expo, a major event for Bluetooth headphones and audio technology, officially commenced. As a leader in the field of sensory experiences, AAC Technologies showcased an impressive array of integrated achievements across sensors and semiconductors, acoustics, optics, and extended reality (XR) and deeply engaged with industry peers during the fair.

AAC Technologies Showcases Innovative Sensors and Semiconductors, Acoustics, Optics, and XR Products at the 2024 Asia Audio Expo Read More »

vivo X Fold3, the World’s First Debut of Whisper Speakers and AeroEngine Developed by AAC Technologies

In terms of sensory experience, vivo has collaborated with AAC Technologies to tailor an ultra-light and thin haptic and audio solutions for the X Fold3 – it features a first-class privacy dual speaker and foldable devices specific haptic solutions.

vivo X Fold3, the World’s First Debut of Whisper Speakers and AeroEngine Developed by AAC Technologies Read More »